
29 Dec 2009

kiss good bye 2009


As we approach the final days and hours of 2009, I'm struck by the experienced over the last 12 months.

Let's see in the last 12 months I have:

There was a health scare and even though it wasn't as bad as I thought, still it needs to be monitored once every four or six months. And every time I need to undergo, it's an enormous stress for me.

We finally finished building our house and successfully managed to move in and settled.  Though still lot of projects that are need to be done but hopefully, gradually, it will come to and end.

Another un-employment stressful period for my husband that drove the whole family into a roller-coaster ride.

After such a big drama; we forgot our children passport had expired just in front of the checked-in counter at the airport; we managed to have two-weeks holiday in Bali.  It was good but also stressful time to go.

I finally found myself a part-time job and so far have been juggling it pretty good amongst the chaos of school holiday and the festive seasons.

It has been a hell of year and we are among the lucky ones who still have to pay our house and the food on our table. It's impossible not to reflect on the year gone by as we begin a new one.  2009 was one of mixed blessings for me.  Even though we had couple bad and miserable times, I've felt overwhelmed and inadequate, and have lost my shit many many times, I still thank God for my kids that have grown and changed so much this year. That I've been blessed with healthy and happy children and despite all the stressful times we had, until today my husband and I are still living in the same roof.

But the most important thing for me is to be healthy.  My thought and prayer for those whose in sickness, or have been through tough times during the illness of loved ones.

So, how was your NYE?  Were you out partying or were you home asleep before 12? This year I spent my NYE with couple of friends dining and partying out way after midnight.  While my husband and the kids went camping for couple days down south.  I couldn't go with them as I had to work during those days.

I'm looking forward to 2010.  I wish I could take each and everyone of you out for a beer or  a fanta if that's your preference.  I hope you're using this time, to recharge and refresh yourself in preparation to kick some serious arse come whenever it is in January that your life returns to normal.

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